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Aloha, we look forward to meeting you soon!

Aloha + E Komo Mai


Our multi-generational worship service is a mix of both contemporary + traditional, offering our praise band on the second Sunday of every month, as well as hymn music from our choir. Together, we take part in Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month; we welcome everyone (even you) to join us! 


For families with children, we offer both Sunday School in the fellowship hall, as well as complimentary nursery care for those ages 0-4 years. If your children prefer to stay with you during the service, that's okay too! 

The second Sunday of each month, following our worship service, we host our Fellowship Hour. We have coffee, refreshments and snacks located on the fellowship hall's lanai, located just off the main entrance. We encourage you to grab a beverage and then spend a couple minutes exploring our campus and getting to know our church ohana. 


If you or your family/friends would like to sign up to sponsor one of these monthly events, please see our Usher's Table on Sunday mornings to sign up!


Our church hosts two membership classes every year, one in the spring and one in the fall. These classes are open to all, including existing members who would like to learn more about the Methodist faith.


At the upcoming AUMC Membership Class, you will learn:

  • What makes a Methodist a Methodist?  We will cover the distinctives of Wesleyan theology.

  • What is the mission of AUMC?

  • How do we hope to accomplish our mission?

a blend of traditional + contemporary elements in the United Methodist tradition


Want to get a feel for our sermons + pastor?  Miss a week and need to get caught up?


We put all of our sermons on YouTube for later viewing, as well as our Live worship services, Sundays at 10:00am.


Once you’ve visited us, Church Center is the key to staying connected. Download the free app for your smartphone or tablet, or sign up and view their webpage.


Here, you can sign up for events, give online, opt in to our church directory, or register for small groups. This is our favorite tool to stay in-the-know!


Giving to the church can be done a number of ways – the easiest way is to give online via the Church Center app, or visit: You can give once, or set up reoccurring weekly or monthly donations with your debit or credit card. You can also give via check or cash on Sunday mornings, or mail checks to the church office.

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